John Dean
Apr 21, 2021


Thank you for your comment. While I would not agree that the Court always has been a political institution, I agree that the treatment of the Garland nomination as well as the three Trump appointments was destructive to our political stability. I remain opposed to expanding the size of the Court but am hopeful that the Biden Supreme Court Commission will come up with reforms that will help make the Court what it is supposed to be — -an independent branch of government that is a check on the power of both the legislature and the executive branch. Term limits are a good idea. (I’m not sure I can support retroactive term limits).

Thank you for adding to the conversation. I consider myself a student of government, not an expert. I regularly exercise my right to be wrong on some of my views.



John Dean
John Dean

Written by John Dean

Writing on politics, photography, nature, the environment, dogs, and, occasionally, humor. Editor of Dean’s List.

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